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Meeting Notice
Public Hearing

Adoption has been rescheduled to September 15, 2021
Council Regular Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Gretna City Council will meet in rescheduled
regular session to conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at 5:30
PM, at Gretna City Hall, 740 Second Street, Council Chambers, (second floor),
Gretna, Louisiana 70053, for consideration and adoption of the following ordinances:

A. An ordinance revising the penalty in the Gretna Code of Ordinances for possession
of small amounts of marijuana in order to comply with state law.

B. An ordinance amending the Unified Development Code Map, Chapter 58, adopted
by the City Council on June 12, 2019; more particularly to classify the property at
440-442 Hancock Street, (Part of Lot A, Square 302-305, Cont 4950 square feet 5th
city district, McDonoghville Subdivision as Two-Family Residential district (R-2).
Authorizing and directing the Planning Director to alter and amend the Official
Zoning Map of the City of Gretna.

C. An ordinance providing for the enforcement of installation of backflow prevention
devices in certain commercial establishments in the interest of preventing water
contamination and imposing a penalty for failure to abide by this provision in order
to comply with state laws as provided under the Louisiana State Plumbing Code
and the Louisiana Administrative Code.


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